Rats Control

Do you know that Rats' front teeth (incisors) grow 5 inches per year? Their teeth grow continuously throughout their life. Therefore, naturally if they don't gnaw on things, their teeth will grow longer than their bodies. This makes them most destructive structural pest.

It is an established fact that rats can cause great destruction with their powerful teeth and jaws -- jaws so powerful that they can bite through lead!

A. Trapping: Non Chemical Control
The best options available today are the Rat Glue boards which can be used indoors to capture mice and Rats. We as a professional Pest management Company have services and products to help citizens solve this problem for a better environment.

There are several advantages for using rat glue traps:
Safer than potential hazardous poison baits.
Quick, immediate results and it allows the user to confirm if the rat was killed.
Easy disposal of dead rodents avoiding odor problems that will occur if rodenticides kill rodents in inaccessible areas.
However, trapping is useless if the procedures to prevent reinfestation are not followed. Moreover there may be a need to have as many as 2-3 dozen rat glue traps set in place in a commercial establishment like factories, warehouses, , production halls etc. By applying these traps with baits like peanut butter or other alluring eatables large population of rats start feeding on it and can be eliminated after trapping.

B. Baiting : Chemical Control
Another popular method is use of Baits to allure them, which is responsible for slow death of rats.

Poison Baits (Rodenticides). Rodenticides are poisons that kill rodents. Depending upon their chemical property and mode of action Rodenticides can be classified into two groups.

Single dose Anti coagulants (Fast action Baiting)
Multi dose Anti coagulants (Slow action Baiting)

Rat poisons or Baits should never be purchased from local hardware stores, feed stores, discount stores, etc. Do not buy unlabeled rat poisons from street vendors or other uncertain sources.

Ideally the job of rats and rodent control should be done by professional and trained pest control operators, as it involves handling of toxic materials.

Rodent baits are used only to supplement the trapping methods. If there is a repeated need to use baits, it is likely that sanitation should be improved. We use only those baiting products which are registered with the Central Insecticide Board (CIB) and the label instructions are strictly followed.

In the case of "multi dose anticoagulants" the active ingredients in baits are used at very low levels, so bait shyness does not occur when using properly formulated baits. Most of these baits cause death only after they are consumed by rats for several days. These baits are always kept in tamper- resistant bait stations .It provides a safeguard for people, pets and other animals. These bait stations are strategically placed on the runways of rats or the openings close to the wall or in other places where rats are active. Wherever possible the applied area is placard as "Caution-Rat Bait" as a safety precaution.

Limited scope of Sound and Electronic Devices
Rats quickly become immune to frequent repeated sounds. Ultrasonic sounds, those above the range of human hearing, have very limited use because they are uni- directional and do not penetrate behind objects like furniture, sacks, records etc. . Moreover, their intensity gets diminished with distance. There is hardly any evidence which proves that sound of any type will drive established rats from buildings or otherwise give sufficient control.

We offer our services for Rat and Rodent control services to domestic and commercial installations, keeping in mind their specific requirement and then customize Rat control Program. A thorough inspection of premises is the key to success for any Rodent Management Program.


Burrow Fumigation
In the open area, the foremost requirement is to identify the rat and rodents' live burrows (rat hole). Proper identification of live burrows in open, makes half of the job done... Rats and rodents burrow fumigation is a bit tricky job. Sometimes one rat burrow may consist of multiple openings. Therefore it is utmost important to identify the rodent burrows with multiple openings and plug all openings except one from where burrow fumigation has to be performed.

Thereafter, Burrow fumigation is performed using Fumigants like Aluminum Phosphide. Immediately after applying fumigant the burrow opening is closed thoroughly. The basic principle is that the burrow should retain the gas for sufficient time to be lethal enough to kill all the rats and rodents present inside. Burrow fumigation is the most popular method of rat and rodent control in open areas.

Torpedo Baiting
Second method of controlling rats in open areas is known as "torpedo baiting". It implies that the rat burrows are applied with baits in such a way that rats are left with no other option than to accept the poison bait. Bait is prepared by mixing rodenticides like Zinc phosphide with crushed grain. This bait is stuffed in live burrows and the openings are plugged immediately. The rats are left with no other option than to accept the poison bait and finally get killed.

We provide these Rat/Rodent control services to the open areas of food processing units, bakeries, bottling units, pharmaceuticals, soap and oil factories, paper industry, residential colonies, ware houses, farm houses , hotels and restaurants, railways, airports, defence establishments, industrial townships, power generating houses / plants etc.

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